Don’t be ashamed to look absurd in front of people for the purpose of Jesus, rather than to put to shame in the eyes of God. Commemorate those people who won’t be with you on the day of judgement, the day when God will judge everyone. We are all here in this world to be tested. It will be up to you to conclude whether you choose to fail or defeat, which leads to hell, a course of transgressing and defying.
God invented us in his perception and likeness so that we could be like him, and he gave us liberation and privilege to determine what we want our image to look like.
People will laugh at you first, but one day they will remember your words and it will be too late to change or to go back. That day will be the day of judgement. Remember that in the book of James, it tells us that we must be vigorous in listening and be reluctant to communicate. That is, whatever words come to mind may be the words of God; God is always speaking, but we wonder what he is speaking about in our lives. God speaks with us through our minds. He first knocks on your heart and when you respond, whatever you responded comes to your mind, and when it comes to your mind, you either choose to obey or not obey it. To be on the same side with God, first listen to what appears in your mind before you can say it. According to the Bible, it is not the food we eat that makes us unclean, but the words we speak.
We are all going to be judged on what we say. The devil can also speak with us through our minds, so it is very important to listen carefully before we act on the word. Hell is there, and it is not for everyone, but for those who choose to disobey the voice of God and not leave his commandments. Aging has made no attempt to keep you from obeying God, and you have no excuse not to. The condition is, God does not stay in a dirty house; he stays in a house filled with nothing but the holy spirit. You may wonder what the holy spirit is. The holy spirit is gentle, and for God to create heaven and earth, he needed the holy spirit. So do you and I. You need the Holy Spirit to guide you and lead you to operate like him. God, the father, son and holy spirit are the same thing. You need God as much as you need the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus Christ was on earth, he relied on the Holy Spirit to direct his actions. Jesus was not Christ until he was baptized.
Today, people tend to think that they can operate without the Holy Spirit, but I’m telling you, you won’t go far. If the Holy Spirit isn’t taking over in your business, career, company, relationships, etc., there will never be peace, gentleness, joy, and all the other 9 fruits of the spirit.. For a tree to grow, it needs care so that its roots can grow. There will always be a downfall for people with pride. The Bible in the book of proverbs tells us that pride leads to arrogance and downfall. You need to kneel down and say, "God, I cannot make it by myself and I need you in my life. Lead me. " Don’t do it to gain glory from people, but to gain glory from God.