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Secret life of success

My secret life of success 
Everyday feels so special to me. I always appreciate the little I get. One thing I know for sure is that I have nothing but love. Something that gives me hope, gives me the courage to stand tall and face my dreams, and that something is the love that surrounds me every day. Someone once told me that "happy are those who are poor because they appreciate the little they get, but they never settle for less, they thank the almighty for the little they have" and I choose to never settle for less.
One thing that encourages me to have faith in myself is that I dream big and focus on my life. I don’t live to fulfill other people’s expectations because expectations hurt. I live according to my will and God’s will. I have realized that once you get the opportunity to pursue your dreams, it does not matter where you come from, what matters is where you are going. You can fulfill your dreams only if you become strong and believe in yourself. Always remember where you came from so that you can arrive at where you are going. When you know how you suffered and what took you to be where you are today. 

You will never want to give up what you are doing now, but you will constantly dream large of increasing and raising your standards so that they lead to your accomplishment and fulfillment!
Everyone once experienced the feeling of giving up because they believed that they were incapable. I will call that feeling "fear". Success accommodates most people, especially fearless and confident people. If you check very well for people who are so rich, most of them have confidence. They believed in themselves, and that’s what took them from nothing to something. Faith is the most powerful weapon used to become successful in life. 

My role-model is myself because I always find a way to encourage myself through these hard journeys that I’m in. Sometimes I face horrible things, things that put me down, but I always find a way to pull myself up from failure. They say "good things come to those who wait, but good things do not come to those who wait long because good things will pass through their eyes without realizing them". 

I always believe in myself and believe that I can pass no matter how thin the road is. Giving up is the last thing on my mind because I have hope, I believe, and I know that I can make the world a better place for everyone. You are not a loser and never allow people to define you. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if God defines you as a loser. 


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