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I have not always been the “follow your destiny” or “chase purpose instead of money” kind of girl. Phrases like pursue purpose did not mean much to me until recently. I went out for lunch with a really good friend of mine and I got a clear perspective on what that really meant. You see, he is the kind of person who asks you question that keep you up late at night. He is the kind of person who is real and tells it to you like it is. What amazes me most about him is the fact that I have not encountered any trace of vagueness in him; he makes his intentions clear about what it is that he wants in life and out of everyone he meet up. He has a crazy way of trying to figure out people’s expectations of him and what he expects of them that I find hilarious, but who am I to judge? I have been going through this season of uncertainty that has honestly been really uncomfortable. I have been asking God questions like, why am I here? I understand the whole “I have a beautiful plan for you, one that will give you a hope and a future…” but I just needed for God to break it down for me in a way that I could understand and let me know why He put me here. What is that treasure that He speaks of in His word that He put in all of us? What is that gift that He says will bring us before great men? It is during this season that I understood just how specific and orderly God is. When He says that He knew you before you were born, He is serious because He first of all planned how your parents would meet and when exactly they would have you. Same case applies to all of us, so it really doesn’t matter where you were born, or who your parents are, God knew exactly why He allowed it to happen the way it did. The journey to your destiny is the most or will be the most beautiful journey that you can ever be on, especially when you are in it with God. It is not only made up of the happy moments that we have or share; the joy, the laughter, and the fun. It is also made up of the low moments, the tears, and the sorrow of it all. I know in moments when things don’t go our way, it is hard for us to see how the journey can be beautiful. It is during moments like these that we roll our eyes when someone comes with the “praise the Lord” line and tells us that God still has a purpose and a plan because at the back of our minds we are still wondering, what is wrong with this person? You have no idea how being me hurts. You tell me God loves me but where was he when my husband left? Where was he when my baby died? Where was he when they kicked me out of my home? Where was he when I lost everything? Where was he when I cried alone in my bed with no one to hold me? As we see the pieces of our life and the different seasons and phases that we go through, God sees the whole picture. Before Him, our life is like a quilt that has different colors on it and different patterns. He sees us as a whole; He sees our beginning, our end and everything else in between. Like the quilts that are made up of different patches that have closely been knit together, and the end product is absolutely beautiful, that is how the different seasons in our lives mesh together to mold us to be the beautiful creation that God originally created us to be. I have learnt that it is only a season of lack that makes me appreciate provision, sorrow makes me appreciate joy and a season of rejection makes me appreciate and love more the people in my life. Nothing we go through in this life is wasted, to God it’s all part of a Master plan, one that may not make sense to us but He smiles every time we go through hardships and we still choose to not give up on Him, because that’s how He builds resilience in us. While on this journey with Him He has taught me how to give Him my own free will and trust His perfect will for me. Which to be honest is something I am learning how to do daily because it needs a lot of honesty and realness with God. This is because just like in every human relationship, for things to work out, communication is key; it helps you to deeply understand someone in a level that you never thought possible before. Same thing happens with God, for me to know Him (He already knows me) I need to be in constant communication with Him. To tell Him where it hurts, how tired I feel… name it. To man, these things may seem petty but to God they mean everything because that’s His child speaking to Him and so what hurts His child hurts Him too. This journey in the end leads us to what our purpose on this earth is. In it your mind gets renewed, your imagination opens up, your vision becomes clear and the treasure you have in you begins to manifest and for the first time you see you the way God sees you. Someone once said that you will know that something (whatever it is that you do with your life could even be a career) is what you were put here to do, If you still haven’t figured your purpose out yet, then pursue your passion, in the end it will lead you to your purpose, and to that gift that God put in you that will bring you before great men. If you do not know what your passion is then simply ask God to reveal it to you and He will.


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