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Nothing too hard for God

I have been close to a month and I still could not make head or tail of what was going on with me. All I knew was that it felt like my heart and my mind were in two different places, what my friend’s and I like to refer to as “feeling scattered”. Everything around me was picture perfect, but in me there was a raging war in which I was quickly losing.

I had always made fun of how crazy I got at times but the thought of actually losing my mind was not all that funny and the more I thought about it, the more I started talking to myself, and that started a whole other argument in my head of why I was talking to myself. That is how I learnt that it is actually quite easy to have people check you in an asylum. I could deal with going through this madness during the day, but when it started affecting my sleep? Something had to give.

I got home one evening and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I asked the one person who knows me more than I even know myself, Jesus, what was wrong with me. As always, my Lord had an answer for me, a process that I have come to love. Ephesians 6:17 “And accept salvation as a helmet…” I have always read this verse and quoted it often, but I never really got the true revelation until that day.

Truth be told, at times it is much easier to do or not do something based on our emotions, particularly what it is that we are feeling at that very moment. There have been moments in my walk with God when did not “feel” saved enough, I did not “feel” qualified to be in ministry, there were moments when I did not “feel” like doing anything at all. All these and more led to my moments and feelings of being scattered, and the reason was; I had not put on my helmet of salvation and that was causing the “imaginations and all the high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of Christ to attack me like that, and to convince me that I did not have what God had already given to me.

It is by no coincidence that we come out of our mothers’ womb’s head first. When a baby’s legs come out first, complications arise and in most cases, the mother has to go for an emergency C-Section. The head itself is our government, as this is the part of our body that we used to make decisions based on our lives. When we want to do something, it starts in our head first, and therefore, when the head is not alright, the entire body is in problems. The devil knows this all so well and that is why he fills our minds with thousands of imaginations and thoughts that discourage us or just makes us doubt God’s promises, or His existence all together. He then backs up the imaginations with false proof e.g. using scripture in a twisted way to fit the imagination and this brings about confusion to most people and it sadly leads them to believe that the Bible is full of contradictions. He attacks what you know about God, and this is where if you are not “feeling” God, you fall into his trap and confusion and doubt sets in.

Covering your head means guarding yourself up with facts based on the word of God and also your instinct and not feelings, because chances are the two will not always go together. Your mind will tell you this while your emotions will scream something else. When the devil was testing Jesus in the desert he knew Jesus was hungry and was feeling tired, that’s why he asked him to change the stone into bread. Jesus did not say “oh yea you know what, I am feeling hungry and I can change this stone to bread.” He told the devil that IT IS WRITTEN, man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Jesus faced the devil with facts, He did not choose to go by what He was feeling.

Many times in life we miss out on great opportunities because we choose to go by what our emotions dictate instead of what the facts are. We lose out in business because we make a business decision from an emotional place and this costs us. We make permanent decisions about the people we love based on one moment of rage or insecurity and end up losing them forever. We miss out on our destinies because we move about life based on where the wind of our emotions leads us.

We transform our lives by having our minds renewed. When old strongholds of what we used to believe in are broken then we get to live the kind of life that God destined for us to live. When we decide to make the conscious decision of believing in God’s abilities and the fact that He will never lie, the fact that we are blessed, the fact that we are destined to reign, the fact that being saved means we are completely made whole in and out, the fact that God’s Grace is greater than any sin in this world, the fact that love covers a multitude of sin, the fact that it is God’s desire to establish us in all aspects of our lives, then we will leave mediocrity ad live the extra-ordinary kind of life.

Go ahead and ask God for that ridiculous blessing that is too crazy for you to even confess to the people around you, regardless of your emotions or situation, believe that He will answer you according to His perfect will.


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