We are living in times where we appreciate the prosperity gospel, but shut down the repentance gospel... We want to receive all the blessings, but we do not want to know the one who gives the blessings. We have more shallow Christians than deep Christians because we are no longer willing to go through the chastening process whereby God changes you from the inside out. We are quick to embrace anyone who comes in the name of God, and we no longer discern the spirit behind the voice. As a result, we embrace all manner of doctrines and stray from Jesus, who says that he is the only way, the truth, and the life, and that NO ONE CAN GET TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH HIS SON(JESUS CHRIST).
We want to be anointed and spirit-filled, to have miracles, signs and wonders following us, but we constantly refuse to be under the subjection of the Holy Spirit of God, and so this power and authority we desire ends up being an idol because pride creeps in and we think we are "powerful". It is time for the real children of God to rise and seek Him when He can still be found. Turn back from the evil ways and seek true perfection in Jesus Christ.
Leave the fifty-five ways and leave it to God 100%. Don’t say salvation is not for you because you are too young, too cool, or too messed up. The thing is, Christ is not looking for perfect people who have it together, because if that were so, then we would not need Grace.
The enemy you know is less persuasive than the enemy you don’t know. In most cases, God displays himself to us in dreams or in visions. So whenever God discloses it to you. He is warning you to take a step and to act upon what he revealed. One thing you should perceive is that your enemy is not your neighbor, sister, colleagues, etc. We only have one enemy, which is the devil. Satan is very manipulative and if you aren’t prayerful enough, you’ll end up falling in to his traps. The day you’ll understand, you’ll avoid despising them.