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As women, we are bound to love in a manner that finds our lives on the edge, our backs against the wall. A young woman of love, peace, once lived, once saw all that the world could offer. She walked tall and firm with boldness and her shoulders up, walked with pride, revealing the feeling of being a virgin to her innermost.
Everyone knew her for the fierce beauty that lay on her face, the love that ran deep into her heart. Everyone knew her as Thandile Mazibuko. She lived in a village far from everything, far from the towns and cities, far from the spirit of liberty, far from places that swallowed people like well prepared food. Bubesini in Durban is where a girl known as Thandile lived.
 Thandile lived with her adoptive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mazibuko, and their spoiled daughter, Fumani Mazibuko. She grew up without knowing her biological parents, since they died when she was only 3 months old in a terrible car crash that left no breath for both parents. Mr. Mazibuko and his wife, Mary, saw her as more of a servant than a daughter, and Fumani saw her as more of a maid than a sister. A grey cloud of sorrow followed Thandile wherever she went. The Mazibuko family lived like a royal family, a royal family that had no money to afford a well-balanced life since Mr. Mazibuko worked as a gardener and his wife stayed at home unemployed. Thandile was a brilliant and intelligent high school pupil and educators loved her for that. 
Going to bed with an empty stomach and being tortured by her family didn't bother her at all since all that mattered to her was to achieve her matriculation with straight A's and become a medical doctor. She would spend sleepless nights studying and doing all the school projects for Fumani while "Princess Fumani" was fast asleep. She did it wholeheartedly since she had gained more knowledge. When Thandile was doing grade 12, Fumani was doing grade 11. 
They went to the same school since their parents couldn't afford a private school. During the winter seasons, Fumani wouldn't go to school, but Thandile never allowed herself to be a lazy pig and stay at home. Even if she wanted to, she had no other choice since her mother would beat her hard and thought it was the best detention for her, not knowing that it was the best medicine for her to heal from all the sorrows and pains that the Mazibuko family added. During the course of time, Thandile met a handsome young guy, probably the same age and grade as her. Ayanda Mthethwa was very brilliant and intelligent too.
 They met at a career exhibition which was hosted at Thandile's school. When Ayanda first saw Thandile, she was sitting alone under a pine tree while everyone was moving around. He felt like he was seeing a gorgeous alien flower, an out of this world flower, a flower that grew on the riverside. He felt butterflies in his stomach as they say it's hard to approach a beautiful garden, not knowing the main entrance, no matter how attractive it is. Ayanda swallowed hard and approached her, but she played hard to get. Her voice was like a fresh calm sea at night with a fresh breeze. He adored her and asked if they could be friends. Thandile couldn't resist befriending a handsome guy like Ayanda. Time passed and their friendship moved on to the next chapter.
They became lovers after Ayanda expressed his love for her and expressed his desire to marry her one day.They helped each other with school work, and they both benefited at the end of the year since they obtained straight A's in all subjects and got scholarships. Mary was very upset since her daughter didn't pass grade 11 and refused Thandile to go and study abroad nor any province or university in South Africa. Ayanda was very disappointed since he wanted to study where Thandile wanted to study. He went to study law or medicine at the University of Cape Town. Thandile was forced to stay at home and look after Fumani since she was diagnosed with brain cancer. After a few months, Fumani passed on. Mary and Richard felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck their home. To be continued.


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