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Let's not be Lukewarm Christians

We mention the name Jesus often but constantly deny the power behind the name and any connections that come with it. We want to be saved but still refuse to allow God to carry out his plan in and through us, because we still want to remain lukewarm and philosophically tolerable.

We want to encounter the wholeness of God’s power and blessings in our lives, but refuse to be in a relationship with Him.We want to go to heaven, but we are still under the curse of unforgiving because we have allowed bitterness and anger to reign supreme in our lives.

We say we are saved, but we still allow profane talk, godless chatter, and curse every time things do not go our way.

We condemn those who are "living in sin" based on our own righteousness only because they sin differently from us, and we forget that before God, sin is sin, and with that, He does not and will never compromise, because that’s why he gave us His best. We are slowly becoming the microwave generation that is used to getting things pap and staying away from the process.

We have tainted the gift of marriage by turning it into a selfish bond where we get into it for our own desires and it barely has God as the center of it. We want to live for God but are still bound to the ‘old self’ and its ways.

We want to live right but are still too scared because we are still more concerned with what people think about us instead of what God says about us. We do not want them to say we are "too saved" and boring.

As ladies, we have let go of the gentle and serene spirit that blesses God’s heart but has become vicious and wild and we can barely keep our homes together because we are constantly pulling each other and our spouses down with our words and actions. We want worship to be our lifestyle, but we pull heavens down in prayer and praise on Sunday but during the week, we are nowhere in God’s presence.

We cannot continue to live like this because a time will come and we will have to choose..either Christ or the devil, white or more GRAY!!! No more sitting on the fence, no more trying to fix ourselves up because we feel too messed up to be saved as we are, because if that was the case, then we would not need grace. 

No more loving God, yet living a life of sin using "no one is perfect "as an excuse. No more saying no to Jesus because we do not want the "drama" that comes with salvation. It just doesn’t work like that... We have to get it together.


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