Jesus says if the world hates us, remember that it despised him first. When the rest of the world walks away, Jesus will stay! He is a friend who never gives up on you and who will always be by your side. Your worth is not determined by what other people think of you, or even what you think of yourself. I want you to know that when you face a storm with Jesus on your side, you are unbreakable! Do you believe the promise that Jesus has given you that he will be with you through the storm? Then let him carry you. And together, you will shine.
The enemy you know is less persuasive than the enemy you don’t know. In most cases, God displays himself to us in dreams or in visions. So whenever God discloses it to you. He is warning you to take a step and to act upon what he revealed. One thing you should perceive is that your enemy is not your neighbor, sister, colleagues, etc. We only have one enemy, which is the devil. Satan is very manipulative and if you aren’t prayerful enough, you’ll end up falling in to his traps. The day you’ll understand, you’ll avoid despising them.