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The names of God

In the Bible, God is mentioned by numerous names. Each name represents an extraordinary perspective on his personality. Today, we're going to study some of God's names and what they imply.
1. Jehovah Raah interprets: Jehovah, my shepherd. He will direct your actions. A shepherd is someone who cares for and increases sheep.
2. Jehovah El Shaddai
The Mighty One of Jacob is God Almighty. He possesses top notch power, and whilst God seemed to Abraham, he stated, "I, God Almighty, am the author of the universe. Be innocent as you stroll ahead of me."
3. Jehovah Shalom 
Interprets: The LORD is peace. Judges' 6: 24 "So Gideon constructed an altar to the LORD there and named it The LORD Is Peace.
4. Jehovah Tsuri is interpreted as "Jehovah, my Rock." He is the pillar of the ages. 
5. Abba Means Father, emphasizing his position as a real father. He is a father determine for the fatherless.
6. Yahweh means "self-existence." He has constantly existed and he'll forever exist.
7. Adonai means "God is the Lord of all the nations" 
8. The name Jehovah Rapha, in Exodus 15:26, is called the Lord who heals.


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