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A heart-warming story about an 11-year-old boy who won a soul for Jesus  

Every Sunday afternoon, after their church's morning service, the Pastor and his 11-year-old son would walk out into their community and distribute Gospel leaflets. As the pastor and his son prepared to walk out into the streets with their pamphlets on this particular Sunday afternoon, it was bitterly cold and storming outside. "Okay, Dad, I'm ready," the youngster said, wrapping himself in his warmest and driest garments.Dad, it's time we get our tracts and head out," his pastor father inquired. 

"Son, it's terribly cold outdoors, and it's pouring," Dad says.

 The youngster looks shocked at his father and asks, "But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell even while it's raining?"

"I'm not stepping out in this rain, son," Dad says. 

Despondently, the youngster inquires, "Can I go, Dad? Please?" 

His father paused for a time before responding, "You are free to leave. Here are the tracts; please be on a corner, looking for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were completely desolate. Then he moved toward the first house he spotted and began walking up the sidewalk to the front door, where he rang the cautious, son."

"Thank you, Dad!" And with that, he walked out the door and into the rain. This 11-year-old boy toured the streets of town, going door-to-door and handing out gospel flyers to everyone he met. After hours of walking through the storm, he was bone-chilled, wet, and down to his last tract. He came to a standstill when the doorbell rang. The young boy rang the doorbell but got no response. He rang it several times more, but no one answered. He waited, but there was still no response. This 11-year-old trooper finally turned to leave, but something stopped him. He returned to the door, rang the bell, and pounded forcefully with his fist on the door. He sat on the front porch, something keeping him there. He knocked again, and the door slowly opened this time. An extremely sad-looking old lady stood in the doorway. "son, Is there anything I can assist you with?" she inquired. This little kid remarked, "With glowing eyes and a smile that lighted up her world," "Ma'am, I apologize for bothering you, but I just wanted to let you know that JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU! I come to offer you my very last Gospel tract, which will tell you everything there is to know about Jesus and His wonderful love." He then handed her his final tract and turned to go. 

As he walked away, she cried out to him, "Thank you hugely, son!"" The following Sunday morning, Pastor was in the pulpit, and as the sermon started, Pastor Dad was in the pulpit the following Sunday morning, and he well inquired, "Does anyone have a testimony or have anything to say here?" In the church's back row, an elderly lady rose slowly to her feet. As she began to speak, her face shone with light. "Prior to last Sunday, I was not a Christian. My husband died a number of years ago, leaving me utterly alone in the world.

 It was even more so in my heart last Sunday, which was a very cold and rainy day, as I approached the end of the line, where I had no hope or will to live. So I got a rope and a chair and climbed the stairway into the attic of my house. " I tied the rope to a rafter on the roof before standing on the chair and tying the other end of the rope around my neck. Since I felt so lonely and devastated, I was about to jump from that chair. I was surprised when my downstairs doorbell began ringing loudly.

 Give me a minute,' I reasoned, and whoever it was would depart. I patiently waited, but the ringing doorbell became more insistent, and the person on the other end of the line began knocking loudly as well. "You see, I am now a delighted child of the King, and since your church's address was on the back of this Gospel leaflet, I have come here to physically say, 'Thank you to Jesus's little angel who came just in time and thereby saved my soul from an eternity in Hell Fire.'" 

At this time, there were no dry eyes in the congregation. Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the tiny angel sat, while cries of adoration and honour to the King rang out from the building's very rafters. As he held him in his arms, he wailed uncontrollably. 

Someone reading this may be going through a dark, cold, and lonely moment in their soul. You might be a Christian, but we don't have it easy, or you might not know the King yet. Whatever the scenario, whatever the dilemma or position you are in, and no matter how dark it may appear, "JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU!"


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