If you are unaware, the devil will take advantage of your ignorance. Consider this: God knows how much He has invested in you. He doesn’t save you one day and then take you to heaven the next. He calls and equips you for a specific purpose in this world. Making comparisons is a mistake. What you do with what you have determines your reward, not what you have. You get into trouble with God when you bury your talent because you’re afraid to take a risk and fail. God anticipates a payback on his investment in us. What will you have to show for it when you reach the end of your life? God bestowed upon you time, talent, and treasure.
Are you using them to benefit yourself, or are you using them to serve God and
bless others? ‘... We will all appear before Christ’s judgment seat, that each
of us may receive. Our works, whether good or bad, will be judged based on
them. ’ The NKJV (2 Corinthians 5:10)
We only invest in
things that matter. Things that are valuable and on which we expect a return.
This is how God sees you: you are valuable to Him, you matter, and He expects a
return on all the wonderful gifts He has placed within you.
Recognize that
your choices do play an important role in how much of your life you use for
God’s glory.