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Jesus’s love for us

Sometimes, we may feel alone and despondent. We need someone or something to serve as a reminder of his love. Even with so many Bible verses about God's love, many of us struggle to understand how it truly works. It is difficult to grasp the idea that God loves us regardless of how we feel about ourselves. We may believe that in order for God to love us more, we must perform well, or that we must accomplish something in order to earn His loving hand and approval. But God's love for us is unquestionable.

 Our works and deeds are performed because we have a relationship with God, not to earn more love. He first loved us and demonstrated his love by sending his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. We have all fallen short and do not deserve such love, but God freely gives it to us despite our shortcomings.

Isn't it incredible that Jesus saved us from our sins? He genuinely cares about us. We are all unique to him. Every one of us has a purpose in life. Jesus gave his life for me and for you. We can be redeemed from our sins as a result of his death. He devises methods for us to overcome temptation. Even in the midst of great adversity, the Lord is with us. He gives us the courage to face our fears. When we fall, he picks us up.

Our hearts are known to Jesus. He is looking at us. He adores us. He understands that we all make mistakes in life, which is why he died for us. We can be saved from our sins through his grace. We can obtain forgiveness through repentance. Our hearts have been changed as a result of His boundless mercy. We can return to the righteous path with Jesus in our lives. We will want to obey Him.


“Lord, I consider myself extremely fortunate to have you in my life. I've been so arrogant. I'd gotten so far away from you. My sins have been so numerous. It's difficult to believe you've forgiven someone like me. I'll never be able to thank you enough for your kindness. Because of your love, I live each day. I hope to always be able to feel your love in my life. Because I appreciate your presence. My Lord, I adore you."


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