Every second of every hour of every day, we require God’s presence in our lives. When circumstances in our lives seem out of control and more difficult than we can bear, depend on God and experience his enormous strength and incredible grace. We are encouraged to walk by faith rather than sight, believing God at every step of the way. Take your burdens to the foot of the cross and leave them there if you are tired right now. God promises to give us power when we have rested. Allow God to have complete control and access to your life. And keep in mind that no matter how big our problems are, God is bigger.
Blessed are you, Majestic God, King of all; to you be honor and praised forevermore. You created the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the labor of your hands. You created us in your image in the fullness of time, and in these latter days, you have spoken to us through your Son Jesus Christ; the Word becomes flesh. As we delight in the gift of your presence among us, may the light of your adoration always shine in our hearts, may your Spirit always rejuvenates our lives, and may your praises always be on our tongues! God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be praised. Amen!