Those who do not love do not know God, for God is love. When we yield to God as true Christians under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, He is able to act through us, since our only motive is love. Not for ourselves, but first and foremost for God, and subsequently for the rest of mankind.
Mankind was made in the image and likeness of our heavenly Father. Much of humanity has been duped by the devil into adopting his selfish nature. When we choose the nature of selfishness above love, we give the devil authority over our life to murder, still, and destroy.
Fear will be cast out by walking in pure love. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from God’s word. We are walking by faith when we hear God’s voice through the Holy Spirit and act on His word in our life.
Jesus tells us that He is the good shepherd, and His sheep recognize His voice and will not follow a stranger. Make certain that the voice you are following is that of Jesus Christ.