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What exactly is the identity of Jesus Christ of Nazareth?

I addressed the Holy Spirit in my previous article, so today I'd want to go over Jesus in further detail.

However, just considering Jesus Christ on the basis of his exemplary life and superior moral teaching would not eliminate the stumbling hurdles to Christianity presented by an unbelieving universe. The true litmus test for what one thinks of him must be who he claimed to be and what he accomplished during his brief visit to our planet. Our conclusion must be that Christianity does not exist apart from Christ; everything revolves around him.

The person and work of Jesus Christ are the central themes of the Scriptures. He is the Almighty (King), and he incarnated as a person, died by crucifixion, and was entombed. He arose from the (grave) tomb and he is the world's sole all-sufficient Savior. He will return to this world (universe). 

Jesus is literally the key to becoming a member of God's family. He became a man to bring Himself down to our level, allowing us to relate to him and God to connect to us. 

We've all sinned and deserve God's wrath. God sent His only Son to fulfill an assignment for those who believe in Jesus. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ, the creator and eternal Son of God who lived a blameless life, loves us so much that he died for our transgressions, accepting the penalty that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the tomb. If you sincerely believe and trust this in your heart, accepting Jesus alone as your Savior and announcing, "Jesus is Lord". You will be rescued (saved) from judgment and spend eternity in heaven with Yahweh. 

Six characteristics of Jesus Christ:


Jesus never turned away from people; instead, he always looked at them with sympathy. Whenever he was in the presence of people, Jesus recognized their true needs and sought to meet them. Physical healing was required for some, while spiritual healing was required for others. In all instances, however, Jesus took the time to observe that people were in circumstance, and His sympathy compelled him to help them. 


No matter how hectic his ministry became, he always made time to be alone and pray. Whether in the Garden of Gethsemane, across a river, or on a mountain top, Jesus mysteriously vanished for a time to pray to the Living God. People always tried to find him, and he never turned them away, but he also made time to spend with his heavenly Father a privilege.

Devoted and dedicated

Jesus had a strong sense of dedication. He was completely immersed in the moment, no matter where he was or who he was with. Despite fervently praying in the Garden of Gethsemane to avoid bearing the cross and all that physical torment, he knew it was the only way to pay for everyone's sins.


Throughout the gospels, Jesus is clearly depicted as a patient man. After all, He was surrounded by disciples who were frequently doubting Him, Pharisees and Sadducees who were continuously attacking him. Despite this, he maintained his cool and responded appropriately to each person.


Before beginning his ministry, Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness. Despite being offered food, power, and many other things, Jesus was able to control his desires and submit them all to the will of the Father. He had desires for food and other things, but he also had a stronger desire to obey the King.


One of the most remarkable statements in Scripture is found in Luke 23:34, when Jesus was on the cross and declares: Jesus' heart was set on forgiving them! And he forgave those who had put him there in the first place. This runs counter to the common adage of looking out for number one and obtaining personal fairness. Jesus was unconcerned with his own life; all he wanted was to provide a means of redemption.


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