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Who exactly is the Holy Spirit?

Let's discuss about the Trinity to get a better understanding of this. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the three members of the Trinity. Christians do not believe in the worshiping or serving several gods. God the Son, often known as Jesus Christ, was God manifested in human form. When we embrace Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and helps us grow closer to God.

The Spirit, like the Father and the Son, is a personal being, not an impersonal "it" or only an effect. (As written in 1 Corinthians 2:10-11) Of course, he is God, and he tells us where God is. He has the ability to be immanent, near, and intimate in ways that the Father and Son do not. His presence might be mild and unconstrained by body or place.

His omnipresence is flawless, and his personality and holiness are without dispute. He is God, the uncreated Creator from before the beginning of time, perfect and transcendent, yet capable of being present in a way of true and gentle love for his people. He may remain hidden and invisible, but this has no effect on his presence or power. And we live, move, and have our being in him, the Creator and provider. 

Roles of the holy spirit

Believers are saved, filled, sealed, and sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit exposes God's ideas, instructs, and guides believers into all truth, including knowledge of the future. The Holy Spirit also assist Christians in their weaknesses or downfall and interceding and praying  for them. 

 7 ways the Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers

1. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter who teaches and reminds us.

The Holy Spirit gives Christ's followers sound advice. Jesus understood he was leaving and that his disciples would require the Holy Spirit as a counselor and advocate to remind them of his principles.

2. The Holy Spirit Convicts the World of Sin

The Holy Spirit will prove the sin, righteousness, and judgment of the world. (According to John 16:7-8)

3. The Holy Spirit Is a Source of Revelation, Wisdom, and Power 

God bestows the Holy Spirit on His followers in order for us to get to know Him better. Because the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit, he knows God's thoughts and communicates those thoughts to believers. The Holy Spirit awakens believers' eyes to the hope of redemption and the inheritance they have in Christ. Jesus realized that his disciples would require power to carry out their duty as witnesses to the entire world.

4. The Holy Spirit leads us to every truth, even foreknowledge of the future.

The Holy Spirit foretells what is yet to occur. The Holy Spirit is called the "Spirit of Truth" because he teaches and guides believers into all truth. Jesus told his disciples the Holy Spirit would make known what he heard and would only speak what the Father spoke. 

5. The Holy Spirit assists Christians in their weaknesses through interceding for them on their behalf.

We all have times when we feel helpless and unsure of what to do. During certain moments, the Holy Spirit assists us in aligning with God's will by interceding on our behalf.

6. The Holy Spirit regenerates believers and gives them eternal life.

In the lives of believers, the Holy Spirit works to renew, sanctify, and make us holy. Just as the Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit will give believers in Christ eternal life.

 7. The Holy Spirit sanctifies and permits believers to bear good fruit in their existences.

The Holy Spirit's work in a Christian's life is an ongoing process of becoming holy through righteousness. Believers will not engage in sinful acts of the flesh as a result of the Holy Spirit's conviction and power.

How to know and understand the holy spirit

1. Discover the volume of God's voice

 He prefers to communicate in soft, personal tones.

Despite the fact that God can use nature in spectacularly loud ways, as He did with Elijah, I've never found a single instance in the Bible where God screamed, yelled, or shouted at His folks.

2. Learn the Holy Spirit's language. 

I am only fluent in one language, Many people all throughout the world are fluent in many languages. Consider the number of languages God speaks—He considered every dialect of every language spoken by every civilization and tribe that has ever inhabited this planet! However, his eternal words, which contain the secrets to knowing, pleasing, and living rightly before God, have not changed since the beginning of time. 

3. Learn this unquestioning truth:

 The Holy Spirit will never contradict God's Word. During a recent lunch conversation, a friend encouraged me about a looming decision, saying, "The eventual outcome is not your responsibility; it is God's." I took note of the useful reminder at the time. But, upon further reflection, I realized it was more than just a fact. The Holy Spirit shone His light on those six words, clearly stating that they were His exquisite words to me personally.

4. Acquaint yourself with the sound of his accent

It’s unflattering to learn that God compares us to sheep, which are gullible, defenceless, and prone to disease. Jesus is aware of all of our flaws. Out of His great love and kindness, He teaches us to stay close to Him for our safety and wellbeing.

Are you ready for some heavy Information? I'm confident that we women can learn this because the Holy Spirit dwells within us and leads us to all reality. Acknowledge?

Every day, we are bombarded with messages from three sources: the adversary, the world, and the carnal.

The devil, according to Jesus, is the Great deceiver. As a result, every suggestion, every single word he speaks will be in opposition to God. Anything in his speech is blatantly wrong, no matter how warm, inviting, or handy it may feel.

The world we are living in is not yet applicable to the King of kings. From the millions of people on the planet come voices with ideas about how to live, what choices to make, and how to be delighted.


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