Oh God, help us to recognize you above all else at the start of each day. So, enhance our hearts' eyes so that we can see you and recognise how you're at work in our lives. Give us wisdom to make the best decisions, and fill us with a desire to search you more than anything else in this world.
Allow your spirit and power to breathe in and through us once more, fresh and new. Thank you for being more powerful than any of the challenges we face today. Thank you for being with us and for your joy, which is not dependent on our circumstances, but is our true and lasting strength no matter what we face. We ask for your peace to guide us and to keep our hearts and minds safe in you. Lord, we adore you and we require your assistance. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
A Prayer Against Distractions
As I begin this day, remind me that I am yours, and my desire is to act accordingly.
Keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from becoming distracted. That could take precious time and energy away from the most important things you've planned for me.
Lord, I'm honored to be your child.
And I'm thankful that you died for me, rising again on your own new morning, so that every day can be filled with the amazement of your love, the liberty of your spirit, and the pleasure of knowing you.