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Prayer for Family

You are probably concerned about your family during these critical times that many of us are now experiencing. You may be concerned about your finances and your ability to pay your bills on time. There may be health issues that require your strength to face and address. Your concerns could range from general concerns about your family’s safety to specific concerns about your family’s safety.

Whatever your specific or general concerns are, praying for your family entails interceding on behalf of those who mean the most to you. Bringing your worries or fears to God can provide you with peace of mind and help you get through difficult times. You have the option of praying silently or aloud. Speaking our concerns aloud is sometimes a great way to express our feelings.

Prayer for Family Protection

We come before you now, Father God, to ask for your preservation over our families. Let nothing bad happen to them today and keep them safe from mishaps. Allow no evil to have an impact on their hearts and over them with Christ’s precious blood!!

We may not be able to spend every moment with our families today, but I know that you, Lord, are always with them. Keep them safe today and allow them to bring you more glory in the future. Provide them with peace of mind so they don’t have to worry about anything. Protect their hearts so that they only show love rather than hate, anger, or resentment. Amen.

Prayer for Family Healing

Dear God, we commit to you those in our families who have fallen sick. We believe that you are our healer, our Great Physician (Jesus). May You be the comfort of our family members who are physically in pain right now. Touch them with Your Healing Hands, Lord and send forth your Word and heal their diseases. In Jesus’ name, allow your healing power to flow through every cell of their bodies!!

Loving Father, we also ask that you heal the members of our families who are hurting emotionally. Give them comfort as well, God and give them the peace that transcends understanding.

Lord, heal their hearts, which may be filled with rage, hatred, strife, resentment, and unforgiveness. Remove any doubt, anxiety, or depression from their minds. Lord, renew in them a peaceful spirit. Amen.

Prayer for Family Restoration

We also ask that you mend the bonds that some of our family members have divided. We know, God, that there is nothing you would prefer more than for feuding relatives to reconcile. But, Lord, we also concede that we cannot do this on our own. We ask Your Holy Spirit to encircle us with Your love as a result of this. May we be filled to overflowing with love and be able to share it with our families! Permit us to be conduits for Your blessings to them. Lord, please restore our relationships in due time. All of this we ask in Your Name, Amen.




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