Unfortunately, many of us are unaware of the potential that awaits us if we can just let go of our pride and follow God's plan. In fact, the Bible goes so far as to warn us that God despises the sin of pride and will punish those who practice it! Let us not consider ourselves "wise in our own eyes," but rather humble and open to learning from God and others! Satan is the king of pride and his children exhibit his characteristics (John 8:44).
We are motivated by pride to exaggerate the importance of our thoughts. It causes us to elevate our opinions and elevates the importance of meeting what we perceive to be our needs, even above God's and, of course, far above our fellowman's.
Signs that you have pride
- You are slow to apologize or repent to others.
- You lack acceptance or patience for other people's
ideas, issues, or emotions.
- You appear to have complete control over your life.
- You have a low opinion of people who react negatively
to their ideas or comments.
- You resent yourself for knowing everything.
How to overcome pride
You can overcome pride by learning to accept other people's corrections.
Keep in mind that the devil's downfall was caused by pride. If you humble
yourself, the Lord will exalt you.