God's love was clearly proven by Jesus Christ's sacrifice, which allowed us
to be forgiven and become God's children. His love has the power to move
mountains, calm raging seas, mend broken bones and wounded hearts, transform
lives, and set free those who have been enslaved by sin and shame.
Knowing God's love for us is vital for living a healthy Christian life.
God's love is central to our identity as his children and to Jesus' sacrifice. It may appear obvious that God loves you, but I'd urge you to reopen your heart to this reality, so that God can reveal his love to you in a real and new way today. His love for you and me is so exceptional that he sacrificed his only son so that we could live through him.And in John 17:25–26, Jesus makes an comprehensible statement about the depth of God's love for us. On the night before he was scourged and crucified, Jesus reflected on the ultimate in human love. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for one's friends," John 15:13 says.