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Christmas prayer for the family

Christmas prayers are a lovely way to remember Jesus Christ's birth and all of our blessings. Without a doubt, the pandemic made this a difficult year for all of us. We should focus on the hope and joy we have despite the circumstances that surround us as we remember God's love and the gift of Jesus this holiday season.

Prayer is also a wonderful way to take a break from the daily grind and remember what matters most. As we approach the holiday season, we have yet another chance to pause in the midst of all the excitement, decorations, and commercialization.

To reflect on the true meaning of Christmas—the one whose birth we commemorate.

As you and your family prepare for the holidays, consider the following simple blessings:

Please, Lord, help my family and me remember the true meaning of Christmas—the commemoration of the birth of your son. It was a historic event, and I ask that you join me in remembering what Jesus' birth and life meant to the world this holiday season. Thank you for your love and perseverance, Lord. Amen. I pray in the name of Jesus.

Please continue to renew my mind as we get closer to Christmas, and help me and my family remember that the true meaning of the season is Christ Jesus. Thank you for sending Jesus to save me from my misdeeds. Please don't let gift-giving, cooking, and other customs distract me. Instead, assist me in maintaining my focus on Jesus. Amen, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ.


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