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How does the devil destroy Christians lives

One of Satan's missions in this world is to destroy believers' (Christian's) lives. And he's after our destiny, calling, visions and purpose in this world because he understands that a life without meaning is meaningless. He's always on the look-out for the believer's strengths and weaknesses. He misleads believers (Christians) astray from God's plan by causing them to sin. The enemy understands that when your destiny is shattered, you become a walking corpse. Spiritual discernment can protect you from the enemy's destructive lies. We can all highlight and Learn from the story of Samson. Samson was given incredible strength (power) by God, but he abused it by flaunting it rather than bringing glory to God. He discovers the hard way that the Lord can bestow and revoke gifts at any time. Samson became hooked with himself, and he began to seek out women who were not in God's plan for his life.

 During the time when the judges ruled Israel, Samson was God's chosen and he was destined to free the Israelites from the Philistines from the time he was born. Samson had incredible physical strength, but he lacked self-control (character). One of his character's flaws was his attraction to Philistine women named Delilah.

Delilah was approached by Philistine rulers who promised her money if she could figure out what made Samson so powerful.

Delilah returned home and prepared a delicious meal for Samson, inquiring as to what had made him so strong. Samson responded that if he was bound with seven new bowstrings that hadn't been dried, he'd lose his strength (Power). Samson warned us that if he was bound with bowstrings, he would lose his strength, but that they had to be brand new and never used. Delilah attempted to entrap Samson once more while he slept, but he managed to escape. Delilah was hurt by Samson's actions and started to doubt his love for her because he was unable to reveal his secret to his strength.

Delilah continued to bug Samson about his strength the next day, until he finally told her the secret to his strength. And that he was given his strength at birth by God and that if his hair was cut, he would lose his strength. While Samson was sleeping that night, Delilah cut all of his hair and summoned the Philistines. The Philistines had Samson apprehended, They barged in, removed out his eyes, and imprisoned him in Gaza.

Samson was brought before a large crowd of rulers and thousands of people gathered in the temple to celebrate his capture by the Philistines. Samson's hair had begun to regrow, and he leaned against the temple pillars, praying to God for strength to defeat the Philistines once more. Samson pushed down the temple with all his might, finishing himself and thousands of Philistines in the process.

 God forgave Samson and still used him to achieve great things. The Israelites were set free from Philistine rule thanks to Samson's destruction of the temple and death.

What does the adversary (enemy) do these days to destroy us? He annihilates God's people by suffocating their prayer (spiritual) life. He ensures that we stop praying and  we stop remembering that prayer is our greatest strength. Because the enemy knows and understand that prayer it is our primary mode of communication with God. The enemy send people, who appear to be sheep on the outside but are actually wolves on the inside.

The good news is that we can defeat the enemy as Christians because we have Christ's mind (1 Corinthians 2:16). We know God's Word is true, so we don't have to take the bait.


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