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Is anointing oil biblical or scriptural?

Such questions have been posed by a large number of people. Others propose that churches nowadays are no longer focused on preaching the word of God. And all they do is smear oil on people.

When you don't know or understand something, you don't always have to beat yourself up about it. God necessitates knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

 That’s why the Bible in the book of Hosea says, "My people perish because they lack knowledge." God said that because he was aware of his people's reliance on their own observations and understanding.

His people don’t have a desire to learn, and that leads them astray. It is important to read the word of God before you perish for lack of knowledge.

People go astray these days because they judge and criticize without reading the word of God with understanding. Let us not make assumptions, but rather be accurate and informative when it comes to God's Word. You don’t have an excuse to fail into confusion. Listen, you have a Bible. You cannot be deceived or led astray by the Bible.

We have oil and anointing oil. The distinction between anointing oil and oil is that oil is used to cook, whereas anointing oil is frequently used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit. It was only used to anoint the high priest (Exodus 29:29) and the king of Israel in the Old Testament. 

If you go through the Bible, you’ll realize that there are many scriptures that talk about anointing oil. Samuel was appointed by God to anoint Saul as King, and David was anointed as King by the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 16:13).

 In the new testament, it is in connection with healing for those who believed in response to the prayer of faith. Is anyone sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, according to James 5:14.




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