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Obedience is better than sacrifice

I recall writing about five different ways to reach God's heart. I also left obedience out because I planned to write about it separately. Touching God's heart requires a great deal of obedience. When we follow God's instructions, he is extremely pleased. Because you obeyed God's voice, you were able to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord. Obedience entails complying with and submitting to restraint authorities' commands. The voice above all voices—the voice of God—is what Christianity is all about. You must obey and submit without question if he gives you instructions.

The Lord literally gave King Saul clear instructions on how to deal with the Amalekites, his adversary. In front of all of the people, King Saul disobeyed the Lord, and then he refused to admit his own sin. When the prophet Samuel confronted Saul, he made excuses and even blamed others. Saul was rejected as King by the Lord at this time.

The prophet Samuel had to inform King Saul of the Lord's wrath. Saul tried lying and then making excuses instead of repenting. He blamed the soldiers, then claimed that the animals were only kept alive as sacrifices to the Lord. He believed that was the only way to make things work between God and himself. Despite the fact that Saul eventually confessed (1 Sam 15:24), he continued to try to shift blame to others. He even requested Samuel's assistance in making him look good in public (1 Samuel 15:30-31). Giving is fine, but giving at the incorrect time is not.

God's ways are seasonal; there is a season for giving and a season for obeying him. He could have chosen someone with a palace, army, or royal city, but he chose that instead because he wanted to show his people what he would do if they disobeyed him. After seeing how God's wrath dealt with Saul and his family, I'm sure the majority of the Israelites repented. You can give millions of dollars but you will be wasting your time if you are not obedient.

Our God is the battle commander, and we, as his soldiers, must follow his orders whenever he gives us. I'd like to lead you in a prayer of repentance:

"Dear God, I appreciate you taking the time to send me a message today. I believe you place a high value on obedience, and all you ask of us is that we obey. I confess my sins, wrong-doings and resolve to put the past behind me and concentrate on the future. Please teach me your ways, seasons, and how to obey you. Thank you, Lord, Amen."


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