It's difficult to forgive someone who has betrayed your trust, especially if you put your faith in the wrong person. We can't forgive on our own, we need the Holy Spirit's assistance. The Holy Spirit, according to Romans 8:26, assists us in our weaknesses. Forgiveness entails letting go of all the hurt, breaking free from those shackles, and moving on. Not forgiving someone is the same as remaining imprisoned in a bitterness-filled jail cell, serving time for someone else's crime.
Refusing to forgive and keeping the toxicity in your own head will only add to the drama in your personal life.
When you forgive someone, it is for no one else but yourself. You will be unable to have a relationship with God if you still hold a grudge against someone else.Resisting to forgive doesn’t gives us power, however it enslaves us to sin. We should forgive so often that it becomes automatic—our default response to wrongdoing.
This is why Jesus said we should forgive each other seventy times seven (Matthew 18:22). Most people believe that forgiving someone entails regaining trust in them, You can forgive them while refusing to trust or associate with them.