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Why do I keep seeing that delay?

There are two types of delays: necessary delay (delays caused by God himself) and unnecessary delay (delays caused by Satan). Let us concentrate on God's delays and why he is causing them. The following are the answers from the book of Exodus in the Bible: Exodus 13:17, Exodus 13:18, (We find in this scripture that God did not take the short route). When God wants to take us somewhere, he may choose a long route rather than a short one. Someone might wonder why God took the long route, causing the children of Israel to be delayed in entering the promised land. God put this type of delay in place for a specific reason.

 God uses delays to prepare us for the difficult times that will inevitably arise during our journey. This type delays is meant to reinforce our faith and make us stronger. God uses delays to put our patience, as well as our loyalty and obedience to Him, to the test.

The Israelites were slaves who weren't prepared for war, and God knew they wouldn't be able to handle it if they went to war. In the hearts of the Israelites, God had implanted a vision of the Promised Land. They fantasized about a land where milk and honey flowed freely. A land of liberty; a land where they could be free of Egypt's cruelties. 

I want you to start noticing that it was God who guided them to their destination. God will sometimes take you through the wilderness. However, I believe that how you respond will determine how long you spend in the wilderness.

How well you handle life's delays will determine your spiritual maturity level. My words of encouragement, "Don't Fear when you are faced with a necessary delay." 

Fear has the problem of keeping you in the wilderness, the desert, and bondage stages of life. Not because of God, but because of you, many of your dreams have never come true. Fear causes you to stall in your life and prevents you from progressing. Exodus 13:18 is a passage from the book of Exodus.

Don't Panic

Don't pass out when life throws you a curveball. This was the Israelites' action, and it kept them from entering the promised land. All of the Israelites resented Moses. "If only we had died in Egypt" "we should choose a leader and return to Egypt," says the Israelites. They had given up on their ambition. They had been enslaved for 400 years, but now that they are experiencing some delays, they want to return to Egypt. "If only" and "go back" are phrases that indicate that you're depressed, panicking, or that you're losing heart. 

The  second type delay is called, "unnecessary delay". This kind of lag is brought on by Satan himself. A state of slowing down caused by an unnecessary delay. It's an enemy weapon that's used to suffocate a person's glory. When a person is stuck in one place aimlessly, it is considered an Satanic delay. It is a circumstance in which a person finds it difficult to achieve success. It entails tying you up in such a way that you are unable to fulfill your destiny.

Delay is an ethereal spirit that shatters a man's dreams. The image of a human who is delayed is a serious problem. The arrow of limitation leads a person away from the breakthrough point. It is possible for a man to be extremely wealthy while still being late. Many powerful men, according to the Bible, are falling. 

When a man is passing through the yoke of foundational delay, his door can be shut. It's risky for a person to have one major problem just as they're about to make a breakthrough. The spirit of delay motivates people to work hard, but they will always be at the back of the pack.


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