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Allow me to tell you about my experience.

Chapter one

I don’t know where to commence, but I just want you to know that I am a survivor. My existence is testimony, and that reminds me: there is no testimony without a test. God is so Incredible that you can never figure out how he manages to do what he does. I sit here glorifying him for taking good care of me since I was in my mother’s womb.

A decent life is not about having material things only; a good life is knowing that God is under control and you have nothing to worry about. We all want great things in life, but if they come in a way that will mislead us, we should quickly resist them.

Peace is something which forms part of a good life, because you know that when you are at peace, you are a free being.

Friend, I urge you: do not be hesitant to speak of God’s love and how he has been faithful. What I want to thank God for is that I have found a purpose in life and that he has given me a good explanation for why he kept me all along. I mean, like he would allow me to go through a certain situation, and sometimes I would think that the situation is bigger than my age.

 I faced rejection at a young age—I mean, a very young age. I was rejected, and I didn’t know what, how, when, and why I was going through it. I was even rejected by people who I loved and trusted with my whole life. Never wish people harm, no matter how they turn against you or betray you. 

Assess what damage could've occurred if John the Baptist tried to prevent people from following Jesus because they had previously been his disciples. When people live, let them go, it means that their existence's mission or assignment with you is complete (done). 

 Satan performed in numerous  tricks on me, including putting me in contact with unsuitable people. I didn't know or comprehend, but today I figured it out, and the solution was for me to tell a story.

 There is no story without turns and twists (sometimes you go through a certain problem so that you can touch someone). Don’t dare rush God or take shortcuts in life. 

 This life was designed by God, and he knew one day Judas would betray Jesus, but he allowed Jesus to walk with him. In life, you need Judas, because Judas is a destiny helper. Without Judas, Jesus wasn’t going to accomplish or achieve his assignment in this world.

When Satan wants you badly, he’ll eventually bring the wrong people into your life, who’ll come as sheep, whereas they are goats on the inside. I don’t blame anyone; these things happen in order to fulfill the scriptures. 

Satan failed so many times, and I think I lost count of his tricks because they are so innumerable. I considered giving up at times, but that was not God's plan- His tests are not meant to cause us to give up. His tests, on the other hand, are well-planned and designed to show us how powerful he is and to instill perseverance in us.

Life is difficult, but so are you, and if you find yourself feeling disheartened, remember that you are not alone. The Bible urges us in Joshua 1:9 to be strong and courageous, because the Lord, our God, is with us wherever we go.

Endure this moment; it is not meant to take your life, but rather to help you in obtaining and accomplishing your destiny.

Calling on God for assistance is not a sign of weakness; rather, it demonstrates that God is your strength. Continue even if you feel like everyone is on your tail. And apparently tough times do not last, but tough people do.


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