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Allow me to tell you my experiences in my life. (Chapter 2)

Along my experiences in life, I learned to be patient and trust God's process. And to be honest, following God isn't an easy task, but believe me when I say, "it's worthwhile."
 During the waiting, he teaches us, strengthens our character, faith, and ability to know him better. In one of Joyce Meyer's most interesting books, she wrote, "Following God is like climbing a mountain, and if he showed us how high the mountain is, some of us would've given up a long time ago." Joyce Meyer certainly comprehends how difficult it is to trust the unseen and unforeseeable, but we must trust him.
 I recall in my second year of university, It was a horrible year for me, and I failed to confide in God’s timing and process. 
One day, I decided to go to church, I didn't have any money, so I used a school bus that dropped me off near my church. It was in the winter, around 7:45 p.m. And you know, it becomes dark early in the winter.
It was extremely dark when I arrived at my destination. And I recall a guy in the bus asking me, "Are you sure you want to drop here?" "Yes, I'd like to drop by here," I replied. I got off the school bus and took a look around; nobody was there because it was so dark.
I was terrified (scared) as the bus drove away. And while heading to church, I heard a group of boys whistling, and my nerves began to fray. "This noise is coming from a crew of hobos, and they're about to do something cruel to me," I said to myself.
I didn't know whether to scream or run, but I remember standing next to the robot, hoping to get into any car that stopped. I was desperate for help, and a taxi pulled up out of nowhere. And the taxi driver ordered me, "Get in quickly." "Sorry sir, I want to get in, but I don't have any cash to pay you," I replied. However, the taxi driver was adamant, and he noticed I didn't have any money.

All he wanted was to save my life from the hobos pursuing me. And I jumped into the taxi without hesitation. He exclaimedly asked, "Where are you heading, young woman, and can't you see it's late?" 
Because of the trauma (shock) caused by fear, I remained silent for a moment. 
Don't be afraid (terrified); tell me where you're going so that I can take you to your place, "the guy said. And, please, let me warn you: that location is not safe at night. 
"I didn't know, and it won't happen again, and all I wanted to do was head to the church service." I said, 
"Which church?" he inquired. I answered, "the one next to the robot."
As we approached the robot, I thought to myself, "What if this guy doesn't drop me at church? "

But, to my surprise, the guy came to a halt. I guess I was mistaken about him. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "Take care!" he said. As I stepped out of the taxi, I said to God, "I thank you because I knew it was you."


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