It's easy to become frustrated, or rushed in the morning, but praying to God first thing in the morning gives us peace and allows us to better approach each day.
When we start each day seeking God's kindness, we are much more resistant to the temptation to sin! Early in the morning, before you start your day, is a great time to spend some time with God.
He cares about us more than we notice, and the time we spend with him is more significant and useful than most people realize.
I am grateful to you, Lord, for extending this day for me, my family, and loved ones. I am grateful for your ultimate gift of love for me, which came in the form of your son and his willingness to give his life for me.
I humbly submit to you because of this incredible gift that I often don't comprehend. I understand that as a mere human, I am incapable of instructing you; however, you, Lord, are capable of instructing me.
So teach me your ways so that I can trust your loyalty. On this holiest of days, we thank you for protecting us, healing us, and providing us with everything we require.
This day is dedicated to you, into your hands and i ask that you open my hearts to your love. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. "Alleluia."