Jeremiah 1:19 is the scripture referenced. God called Jeremiah when he was very young, but Jeremiah was doubtful at first because he thought God called his prophets based on their age and appearance. God made Jeremiah realize in the last verse of chapter 1 that since he had been called, people would oppose and persecute him, but they would fail. I have never witnessed God abandoning his children.
The Bible also says that the Lord's eyes are on the righteous in 1 Peter 3:12. It's reassuring to know that God has promised to protect his people in a world that seems to be spinning out of control. God will triumph even when disaster strikes, storms rage, and prayers go unanswered.
People forget this scripture when they are in the midst of a storm (Jeremiah
1:9). This verse is meant to remind us that while the enemy will always fight
us, he will never be able to defeat us. We can trust and not be afraid even
when bad things happen to us—when we feel defeated and crushed by our enemies.
Jesus meant exactly what he said when he told Peter that the gates of Hell would not prevail against his church. Whatever the devil tries to throw at us, it will ultimately fail because God is the sole ruler of our fate.