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When the time is right, I, the LORD, will make it happen

God's timing is ideal. I know that most of you might think that time is ahead of you or that God hasn’t heard your prayers. Things always have a designated time with God. And when God does not change your situation, be informed that he wants to change you instead.

God will not grant you something you cannot handle because you will die as a result. Is it possible, for example, to enlist the help of a three-year-old baby in the kitchen? A three-year-old child is still a child, and he can't seem to help but endanger himself. You'll have to wait for your baby to mature before you can ask anything else as a parent.Encourage yourself by remembering that God is preparing you for greatness, and great things take time. He understands what he has invested in you, and he will finish what he has begun in you at his own pace and will.

You can pray for something right now, and God might decides to respond you five years later. And that doesn't mean he's running late; God is never late or early, he's always right on time. 

God has heard your prayer and is ready to bless you at the appropriate time. And nothing or no one will be able to stop it when the time comes. When God wants to bless you, he doesn’t ask for any permission or approval from your boss, colleagues, or neighbors.

God is a master-planner as well as a master-piece. Because everything that happened yesterday, today, and in the future was meticulously planned by God himself, this is referred to as the appointed time. 

My assignment today is to spread the message of light and hope. And to remind you that God will bring it to pass when the time comes, so trust Him and learn to rely on Him. Things may not go as planned, but we can rest assured that God will make everything work out for the best.

Reference from the Bible 60.22 Isaiah


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