To grieve the Holy Spirit is to live in a sinful way. We grieve the Holy Spirit by being angry, unforgiving spreadinglies, stealing, being bitter and cursing. According to Ephesians 4:30–31 in the Bible, "And don't grieve the Holy Spirit of God, who sealed you for the day of redemption. Remove all bitterness, fury, and indignation, as well as brawling and slander, as well as all forms of malice."
The day I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior was the day I received counselling, after living a life with countless mistakes and a careless lifestyle. God forgave me that day, and he gave me a reason to live. I recall, after a man of God laid his hand on me, saying, "Do not allow the sun to go by with your anger."
To be honest, I heared him but I was curious. I was intrigued because I couldn't go a single day without being irritated by something or someone. So today, after so many years of
analyzing his statement, I realized that the man of God was saying to me,
"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit." The Man of God didn’t say that I
shouldn’t be angry, but he simply quoted Ephesians 4:26-27, which says,
"Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor
give place to the devil." We grieve the Holy Spirit by being angry and
refusing to forgive those who have mistreated us.
We should make every effort to forgive those who need to be forgiven before the sun sets. Anger without forgiveness can cause us to lose control and speak inappropriately. It has the power to destroy families, relationships, and even lives. Even if we are angry, we are still expected not to speak evil, but to speak the truth in love and only things that impart grace. Anger must be controlled, and it should never be used to grieve the Holy Spirit.