Struggles are a part of life, just as good, pleasant, and joyful times are. However, if we face our challenges with faith, we will be rewarded abundantly! When life throws a brick at you, get down on your knees and ask the Mighty One to intervene. Struggles aren't meant to kill us; they're meant to strengthen our faith by enabling us to rely on God for the strength and boldness to face difficulties.
In moments of doubt, remember who God has always been and recall his
promises. Even if you're full of doubts and uncertainties, if you keep going to
Him, he'll reveal Himself to be trustworthy over and over again.
Daniel never doubted that God would save him and keep him safe from the lions.
God is your sturdy tower, from which you can run and hide for safety. In the
midst of a storm, he is your safe place. Just as he did for Daniel, God will
provide you with protection and keep you safe from harm. And he will be your
shield and rampart (Psalm 91:4).