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Discovering our purpose in life as Christians

God had love and a purpose when He created us. It is important for us to remember that each of us has a unique purpose and is special in God's eyes. As His masterpiece, we are made to accomplish the good deeds He has planned for us (See Ephesians 2:10). The majority of people pass away unaware of their purpose on earth, which is a grave mistake. We frequently believe that meeting our needs is the only purpose of our existence. While all of those things are worthwhile, our primary objectives also involve being humbly human and mindful of the needs of others. 

We are called to put the needs of those around us above our own self-serving goals. By doing this, we fulfill our mission as His disciples and imitate the characteristics of Christ (see Philippians 2:3–4). God sent us on earth to carry out his mission after creating us. It's similar to being hired by a company based on your qualifications, and the manager needs you to complete daily tasks in order for you to be paid at the end of the day. It is your responsibility at that company (Earth) to ascertain your reason for hiring. Depending on the gifts that God has bestowed upon us, each of us has a specific role to fulfill while here on Earth. According to Matthew 6:33, God promises to meet our needs as long as we make seeking His kingdom and righteousness our top priorities.

Here are ways to find God’s purpose for your life:

  • Seek direction from God's Word and the Holy Spirit, who will always lead you in the right direction.
  • Know who God is and understand his everyday language through studying the word of God, worship, and meditation.
  • We have to be prepared to let go of our personal goals and aspirations. In order to do this, we must surrender our will and accept God's plan for our lives.
  • It takes trust, submission, and a readiness to let go of your own goals and plans in order to follow His.
  • Walking in God’s purpose is not always easy, and there may be obstacles along the way. However, with faith, determination, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can overcome any obstacle and fulfill the unique calling that God has for your life.
  • The duration of the wait shouldn't depress you because God has excellent timing and greater plans for you than you can ever imagine (see Jeremiah 29:11).
  • God takes time to mold and polish us, just as a potter needs time to shape and polish clay.
  • You'll be astounded by the wonderful things God has in store for you when the time is right, and the Holy Spirit will make your purpose clear to you.


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