We all need someone to lift our hands when we don't have enough strength to do it ourselves. Remember the story about the Israelites being attacked by the Amalekites at Rephidim? According to Exodus 17:8-15, Moses instructed Joshua to select some of his men to go out and deal with the opposers (the Amalekites). Joshua obeyed Moses' commands. The Israelites won as long as Moses raised his hands; when he lowered his hands, the Amalekites won. It demonstrated the beneficial effect of teamwork.
should show us that even our leaders get tired of doing God's work, like
praying for us, so we ought to pray for them as well. They need our support;
let us show them some love by supporting them and holding their hands up. This
should also show us that when we are united and working together as God's
children, we rise and overcome.
The enemy understands that if our leaders stop praying for us or obeying God, the congregation will be divided. Therefore, let us pray for our pastors this month; they, too, need our support because they face attacks that sometimes drain them from praying. Always remember that when God is with us, who can stand against us?